Miami – Dubai: our experience in numbers

3 days… 

2 exhibitions… 

1 team

We love attending in Airport and Aviation trade shows. They are an opportunity to experience our passion for our work in an amplified way: we share products, solutions, and insights developed during our office days with many other professionals in an exciting atmosphere filled with positive vibes, high expectations, and a desire to improve and innovate, with the common goal of shaping the future of aviation. 

It’s a pleasure, a privilege, but at the same time, a challenging undertaking because we must convey the experience our brand offers in a very short time. And A-ICE has a lot to offer. 
We were recently present at the Aviation Festival Americas in Miami and the Airportshow in Dubai, which were held partly at the same time. To attend both, we literally split ourselves in two. 
It is difficult to describe in words alone everything we experienced during these 3 days. That’s why, we want to try an experiment: we will try to tell you everything through numbers.


26,000 km flown approximately 
Miami, Dubai, Rome. We flew over 3 continents for a total of over 33 hours between the outward and return flight to Italy. 

2000 steps – from the fair hall to our booth 
We talked to so many visitors, partners and friends that we could barely walk away from our booth, each conversation potentially leading to new opportunities and connections. 

6,000 visitors from the Airport and Aviation sector from 22 different countries 
It is all about people. We experienced an interesting cultural, technological, and professional diversity. 

147 professionals met personally 
The beauty of this job is meeting professionals with whom it becomes incredibly easy and natural to connect. Only by collaborating together, united, each with their own skills and responsibilities, can we reach seemingly unreachable heights. 

2016 minutes spent talking about innovation 
We talked and listened a lot. The topic that probably caught our visitors’ attention the most was the Airport in Cloud suite. After all, who doesn’t want an integrated, scalable, cost-effective solution that is fully adaptable to the needs of any airport? One or more modules of Airport in Cloud are already implemented in more than 20 Italian airports and in more than 40 foreign airports. It is the cloud solution developed by our team of software experts to simplify airport operations and minimize costs for operators. You can learn more about the solution at this link. 

103 handshakes 
For the pleasure of meeting each other and/or with the promise to meet again to get to know each other better. 

7 minutes spent talking about Marco’s tie 
Because you can’t always just talk about business and technology. And that tie deserved to be teased! 

3 languages used 
Italian, English, and Spanish. Sometimes even in the same sentence. 

391 times we said the word “airport” 
But perhaps, almost certainly, it was many more. 

7 times we said the word “ciao” 
How nice it is to meet people happy to greet us in our native language! 

28,500 kcal consumed overall 
The initial idea was to continue maintaining our “Mediterranean diet,” but it was impossible to resist some delicious local dishes! 

36 coffees 
We did not easily find espresso coffee, but the one we did find certainly had the right amount of caffeine. 

1,258 smiles 
Because a great collaboration starts with a smile. And even just meeting briefly with a professional who shares our same goals and aspirations brought us joy and satisfaction.  

See you at the next event. We can’t wait… Ciao

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