In this page you will be able to download product sheets of our solutions, should you require a more details, you can visit our website, where you can download detailed solution overviews. Alternatively, you can just drop us an email and we shall respond within 48 hrs

Product Sheet
A-CBS Contract & Billing
For airport operators, managing fees and charges is a critical area. All services and infrastructure supplied to airlines must be precisely recorded and accurately billed in order to avoid any difficulties in the invoicing and payment process. A-CBS is a complete package for streamlining and integrating the administration of fees and charges.
Product Sheet
A-DCS Departure Control System
Airport authorities and handling companies are required to manage and track a wide range of functions during check-in and boarding – all without causing delays in the process. A-DCS brings all this under control in one fully-featured system. A-DCS is certified by more than 100 airlines and compatible with more than 6,500 aircraft.
Product Sheet
A-FUEL Fuel Management System
With such a heavy dependency on fuel, airlines need to ensure they have close control over the right quality and the right quantity. A-FUEL manages all aspects of fuelling, from sourcing to measurement and supply, within a comprehensive web-based system that records all related activity.
Product Sheet
A-HDB Handling Database
A-HDB keeps ground handling staff fully informed by giving them a complete overview of operations throughout the ground-process cycle. Information drawn from the central airport operations database (A-ODB) is relayed directly to staff on the ground to ensure that important details are communicated in an accurate, timely manner.
Product Sheet
A-MDS Message Distribution System
For messages to pass accurately from one system to another, it’s essential that they ‘talk’ the same language. A-MDS provides compatibility between the A-ODB and airport sub-systems to allow for simple, secure data exchange and messaging. A-MDS also provides advances messaging features, including built-in queue management, format checking and TypeB message formatting.
Product Sheet
A-VMS Vehicle Maintenance System
Aviation is an industry built on vehicles, and keeping these valuable assets well-maintained and in fully operational condition requires careful management. A-VMS provides airline companies with a complete solution for managing and documenting the maintenance process.
Product Sheet
A-WBS Weight & Balance System
Whether passengers, mail or cargo, whatever the load, it is essential that Weight and Balance is kept under close control to guarantee flight safety. A-WBS gives airlines, airport operators, ground and cargo handling companies the means to securely manage and monitor loads.
White Paper
How IATA Resolution 753 is enhancing the customer experience
Since June 1, 2018, a new standard has governed baggage tracking within commercial airlines. IATA Resolution 753 was conceived to encourage further reductions in baggage mishandling through a cross-industry approach to tracking.
Product Sheet
Airport In Cloud is a modular, cloud-based IT solution developed by A-ICE, the experts in aviation IT. It provides small and medium-sized airport operators with a fully integrated, highly efficient and cost-effective route to implementing a compliant software stack for smooth-running airport operations.
Company Overview
A-ICE Aviation Information Communication Engineering
When surroundings are unfamiliar, and time is critical, people rely on display systems to guide them to their desired destination. Sophisticated flight information systems take existing language barriers into consideration and must provide accurate and complete information at all relevant locations. They have to be easily configurable, must run automatically and should have a pleasant appearance.