Dear customers and friends,
We don’t need to tell you that this is a difficult time – you are no doubt facing significant challenges within your organization as all of us get to grips with the impact of the coronavirus on our daily lives.
Over the coming months, technology is clearly going to play a key role in maintaining operational continuity, and we wanted to let you know that we are committed to support you throughout this period.
At A-ICE, we have well-established remote working practices, which means we are here to assist you in keeping your staff and systems fully operational. Our helpdesk service remains open and available to answer any questions as you settle into your working pattern.
Please always know that you can pick up the phone and talk to us, whether it’s to resolve a specific technical issue, for more general advice about service provision within your organization, or simply to discuss your concerns with a friendly voice.
IT solutions start with real-world challenges and there are few challenges we have all faced as big as this, so we would just like to take this opportunity to give everyone our best wishes for the coming weeks and months ahead.
All at A-ICE